Raumfahrt Concret is featuring us!
Posted by gps2 | Filed under Allgemeines, Moon, Rover, Science
The German speaking magazine Raumfahrt Concret, the only one related to space topics publishes in their latest edition an Open Moon paper.
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Thanks to Raumfahrt Concret for their kindly permission to publish the paper right here.
Open Moon Design Commoonity
Posted by gps2 | Filed under Allgemeines, Veranstaltungsprotokolle
Introducing the Open Moon Design Commoonity.
Anna is talking about her commoonity´s activities and what they are working on:
Lunik & Ranger are on the way…
The President of the International Space University, Michael Simpson,
gave a the GLXP-Teams a warm welcome speech at the Summit.
It was lunchtime, but there was no pausing…I hesitated to release this clip
…but my commoonity stated, this is Youtube Art.
What do you think?
The Pomerantz Report
Posted by gps2 | Filed under Allgemeines, Event, Veranstaltungsprotokolle
William Pomerantz, Senior Director, Space Prizes | X PRIZE Foundation
summarizes the GLXP Summit on the Isle of Man,
featuring an interview with Open Moon:
Open Moon Activity
Posted by gps2 | Filed under Allgemeines, Event, Rover, Science
Past weeks were busy ones for Open Moon. We ran a booth on LinuxTag in Berlin and a Breakout Session on Future Forum Dresden as well and sent a competent EVA team to the ILA 2010. Our efforts have been rewarded: Commoonities are growing and the project is gaining speed.
Here is our updated official booklet
and some clips and fotos of our events:
A small reel showing the modified moon rover `c-rove´ performing some lunar action. This animation was on display on our booth at LinuxTag 2010 in Berlin and generated a lot of interest.
Open Moon Communicator Alex gives a statement of efforts and outcome of LinuxTag 2010 in Berlin.
Open Moon Design Comoonity is just experimenting with 3D-animations. This is the first test. Please be sure to use anaglyph red(left) cyan(right) glasses to watch this clip correctly.
Open Moon EVA-Team´s visit on Internationale Luft- und Raumfahrtausstellung Berlin
brought us this Photo Album.
“Last, but not least”: A summarize of Open Moon´s Breakout Session “Community into Space” by Ranga Yogeshwar, host of the Future Forum Dresden.
Extraterrestrial support!
Posted by gps2 | Filed under Allgemeines, Event
Our team was unexpectedly added up.
Lunik (green) and Ranger (blue) are our new mascots!
They will guide us the right way up to the stars! We say `Yeah, welcome!`
Our new heroes are named after the first russian and american probe landed on moon. On 1959/09/13 Lunik was the first artificial device ever touching lunar surface. Ranger followed on 1962/04/26 with a touchdown on the dark side of the moon.
Meet Lunik & Ranger at LinuxTag, hall 7.2, Embedded Projects
Posted by gps2 | Filed under Allgemeines, Event
New Sponsor: TresCom Technology
We are very happy to welcome our new sponsor TresCom Technology!
TresCom provides us with technical facilities and ressource logistics.
Why we appreciate this avenue:
We will have access to the knowledge of a team experienced in communication and traffic engineering.
We think this is an important step towards technical realization of hardware modules.
…and thank´s for your true interest in collaboration!
Mars Society auf der commoonity lounge
Posted by gps2 | Filed under Allgemeines
Donnerstag | 18.02 | 19:00 | c-base | rungestr.20 | Eintritt frei
“…to touch Moon, asteroids and beyond.” Peter Diamandis, X-Prize Founder to the GLXP-Teams at JPL, Pasadena.
In diesem Sinne gehen wir just one step beyond moon: zum Mars und freuen uns auf
Jürgen Herholz, Vorstandsmember der Mars Society Deutschland e.V.
Als Experte bemannter europäischer Raumfahrt jahrelang bei der ESA tätig,
wird er über die Mars Aktivitäten und das Archimedes Projekt berichten:
Im Anschluss Diskussion zum Thema “Die Entwicklung eines nicht-staatlichen Raumfahrt-Sektors”.