Open Moon Activity

Past weeks were busy ones for Open Moon. We ran a booth on LinuxTag in Berlin and a Breakout Session on Future Forum Dresden as well and sent a competent EVA team to the ILA 2010. Our efforts have been rewarded: Commoonities are growing and the project is gaining speed.

Here is our updated official booklet

and some clips and fotos of our events:

A small reel showing the modified moon rover `c-rove´ performing some lunar action. This animation was on display on our booth at LinuxTag 2010 in Berlin and generated a lot of interest.

Open Moon Communicator Alex gives a statement of efforts and outcome of LinuxTag 2010 in Berlin.

LinuxTag 2010 Photo Album.

Open Moon Design Comoonity is just experimenting with 3D-animations. This is the first test. Please be sure to use anaglyph red(left) cyan(right) glasses to watch this clip correctly.

Open Moon EVA-Team´s visit on Internationale Luft- und Raumfahrtausstellung Berlin
brought us this Photo Album.

“Last, but not least”: A summarize of Open Moon´s Breakout Session “Community into Space” by Ranga Yogeshwar, host of the Future Forum Dresden.

Future Forum Photo Album.

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