Lift off for Open Moon Art!

Open Moon´s Design Commoonity brings art into stratosphere and back.

SPACEgarage Team Next Saturday, 11th of December 2010, 4pm, our Open Moon Design Commoonity launches their new ArtProject SPACEgarage.


launch pad location:


Görlitzer Park, Berlin, Germany

Two weather ballons will send SPACEgarage´s artworks into stratosphere. SPACEcapsule and portbunny are the first mascots travelling into low gravity by their own. They will glide back to earth and fortunately return safely to Berlin.

SPACEcapsule on snow

SPACEcapsule on snow

Portbunny on snow

Portbunny on snow

Lunik & Ranger stay grounded. This time for the testcrew…Sorry, guys!

Mission Executive and Flight Manager is Neven Dološ, Head of c-base Open Moon.

This event ignites SPACEgarage, starting artprojects with scientifical background – A producer´s platform giving stage for exchanging inspiration within scientific minds and visional speculation.

At LIFT OFF Event two analog objects will be set off unusual conditions (for their initial terms ;) and turned over to an unsure welcome. Go for the sky! Return safely! Do you find home? What do you find then?

SPACEcapsule by doris´ microworld

portbunny by Anna Gatjal

Future cooperation with international artists is appreciated.

Acting primarily virtual we are going to open a showroom in 2011.

for comments, questions & request:

Space Week Webconference – Live from Isle of Man

Tomorrow start the conference days of the GLXP-Summit. Please stay tuned on Open Moon´s media channels to get news, fotos and clips directly from the Isle of Man.

On Tuesday 5th Octobre from 6:30pm til 8:00pm we are participating a webconference with Mars Society: „Private Space Entrepeneurs – The Second Space Race“. Invited are Google Lunar X Prize – Teams, Copenhagen-Suborbitals and Experts of Mars Society. We would be happy to have you there too. Please login:

If you are in Berlin, find us conferencing at HBC, Karl Liebknecht Str. 9.
After-Conference-Party takes place at Universum Lounge, Kudamm 153, 10709 Berlin, starting at 9pm…

GLXP-Summit on Isle of Man

Open Moon will be there!

From 3rd to 5th Octobre in Villa Marina, Douglas all 22 Teams, X-Prizler and local Space Industrie will meet up to discuss and show their progress on solutions and options. Find the official announcement please here:

Parallel to the GLXP-Summit the United Nation´s Space Week is running. Open Moon is participating this event too, reporting live from the Isle of Man in a webconference with Mars Society: „Private Space Entrepeneurs“. Please join us on Tuesday 5th Octobre from 6:30pm til 8:00pm! The login data will be released here and via facebook and twitter as soon they are fixed.

In Berlin, Germany we take part at Universum Grill, Kurfürstendamm 156, Am Lehniner Platz 10709 Berlin. Join us there!

After Conference Party will take place at 9 pm in Universum Lounge, Kudamm 153, 10709 Berlin, near to Schaubühne, bus stop Lehniner Platz.

Celebrate Space Week with us!

Open Moon at Linuxtag 2010

Open Moon is at Linuxtag 2010 in Berlin Fairgrounds, Germany.


Find us in hall 7.2, Embedded Projects booth 112