Posted by gps2
By entering the GLXP we follow the history of Berlin, which rolled out a private space initiative in the 1920th. Our aim is to relaunch these competences to Berlin-Brandenburg by starting an new kind of network between worldwide community and local companies.
We have the dream that the global marketing of the c-base Open Moon network by the Google Lunar X Prize brings our efforts and success to visibility.
We are sure that this is the upcoming form of business: being more innovative, more effective, more human.
Open Moon All Stars Team
This is our ignition team under c-gate´s bow onboard space station c-base, our headquarter under the middle of Berlin:
on the chairs, left to right:
Holger Carsten / Neven Dološ / Sven Wagner
surrounding row, left to right:
Ryo Kato / Laween Maher / Christian Bennat / Andreas Baum / Alexander Last
Mirko Fichtner / Nadine Gahr / Yan Minagawa / Dr. Ricarda Schallnus / Tobias Heinze
Now we diversified into different teams in order to realize tasks for GLXP and the Open Moon Commoonity.
Find here commoonities and heads-of:
Open Innovation Commoonity
actually consists of two Commoonities working closely together:
Share your knowledge and enthusiasm. Show your interest.
The Commoonity works on creating new means of innovation.
Develop a framework that helps Commoonities to create sustainable business models to support their mission.
Patrick Sbrzesny
born 1974 in Stuttgart / Germany * Electrical Engineer * Director mindXchange Ltd.
Dr. Ricarda Schallnus
born 1972 in Berlin / Germany * Business Consultant and Manager for Innovation and Change
Open Moon Commoonity
Google Lunar X-Prize is a global competition. It´s our task to publish news and progress of Open Moon into all our public relation channels. We run and stay in contact with our digital community via twitter, facebook, youtube and picasa. For our Commoonities we serve as public relation office. We maintain the press spokesman and the “Public Outreach Liasion” doing all the communication with GLXP-Office in California.
Alexander Last
born 1968 in Berlin / Germany * Degree in Geology und Paleontology, Applied University, Berlin * Author, Tutor, Editor
Open Moon GLXP Commoonity
The GLXP Commoonity creates the technical and technological possibilities to win the Google Lunar X-Prize. We plan the technical requirements, expiries and technologies and realise the concrete solutions. An also important job is the development of technical demands for our further technological Commoonities, their coordination concerning the aim of the GLXP and the cooperation with our partners from science, research and industry.
Thomas Weckend
born 1959 in Leipzig / Germany * Degree in Cybernetic and Automation Techniques, Humboldt University, Berlin and Applied University, Magdeburg * Rocket Engineer * Medical Data Processor
Our lunar rover called c-rove has two formable wheels to allow rove, jump and climb on the lunar surface. The c-rove consist of six parts: Axis, cylindrical body, teleskop conveyeor, solar panel and just two wheels.
Share your constructions skills with us.
Christian Bennat
born 1968 in Berlin / Germany * Media Designer & Creative Director
Marten Suhr
born 1970 in Berlin / Germany * Urbitect & 3D-Designer
ALICE Propulsion
ALICE means Aluminium Ice and is a 1:1 frozen mixture of Aluminium nano-particles and ice, which can be used as alternative rocket propulsion. We want to build an ALICE propulsion prototyp and start a model rocket.
Carsten Scharfenberg
born 1977 in Bonn / Germany * Ph.D. student in Aerospace Engineering, Freie Universität Berlin * Satellite Specialist
PicoNet 5G Internet
One satellite per user!
Just imagine, you wouldn‘t be only another user, but even one of the owners of a global net of satellites, providing telecommunication and information resources for free. You would not only be part of a global community, free to communicate and share your information with every human being on this planet within a blink of an eye. You even wouldn‘t be forced any more to accept the business conditions and regulations of a handful of intransparent private trusts and governments. You‘d stand eye to eye with all those who now define what information and communication exchange has to mean and how it has to take place. This could be the third great revolution in the modern history of mankind, after the industrial and the informational. This very first time it would not only be a revolution of the society as a whole, this time it could be the revolution for the individuum itself, of its capabilities and possibilties, its ideas, its dreams, in short: its uniqueness.
Neven Dolosˇ
born 1970 in Sisak/Kroatien * Degree in Theoretical Physics * Technology Consultant * Embedded Systems Expert
Proof of concept
We want to compile innovative and easy draughts and realize them together with other participants. There will hopefully be many sub-groups which will work on the solution of partial projects and their realization.
We want to establish constructionism as standard education paradigm and spread exaltation for space into schools and highschools.
Open Education Commoonity
The Open Education Commoonity wants to grow STEM qualifications (science, technology, engineering, mathematics), in German known as MINT. With a simulation of a remote controlled robot-station on a planet far away, we combine all subject in one project. `RoSt´ is fit to serve up to 8 docking ports for programmable rovers showing swarm behaviour. We build our own hardware on simple and available bot chassis. Program and control it remotely by your computer. Up to 8 teams can run `RoSt´ simultanousely working on
bots, programming, RoSt-control, docking station coordination. Each team works on its own mission, but has to be a teamplayer at all. This setting trains soft skills as well.
Jirko Weber
born 1979 in Berlin / Germany * Director `Jirko Weber IT-Service´ * Amiga Expert * Specialist in Robot Programming
Mirko Fichtner
born 1971 in Berlin / Germany * Communication designer & developer * Chairman of c-base e. V.
Anna Gatjal
born 1966 in Saarbrücken / Germany * Degree in Sculpting, Academy for Visual Arts, Karlsruhe(D) * Master of Fine Arts, Royal College of Art, London(GB)
Roadable Aircraft
If just don´t want to fly to moon right now, maybe you want to fly with your car?
Open up your own Open Moon Commoonity!
One Response to “Commoonities”
Holger neven | Harvardunivers Says:
March 29th, 2012 at %I:%M %p[…] c-base Open Moon » CommoonitiesApr 17, 2010 … Holger Carsten / Neven Dološ / Sven Wagner. surrounding row, left to right: Ryo Kato / Laween Maher / Christian Bennat / Andreas Baum … […]