
c-base Open Moon will demonstrate that the community creating wikipedia is able to fly to the moon.

Join the revolution.

Turn community into commoonity!

We deliver tools helping everyone realize their vision.

We shape new collaboration standards.

We will define a new industry standard for innovation methods and tools.

To turn things true c-base Open Moon participates in the Google Lunar X Prize.

Winning the Google Lunar X Prize is only the first step. […more mission…]

Our team is open for community, open source and innovation. Be a part of us and/or send us your ideas for the right way to fulfill the mission and what will follow. We are looking forward to your technical and technological contribution to built our space future.

Commoonity into space means: Your engagement defines our future in space.

How I can participate

c-base Open Moonrover c-rove traveling on moon´s surface

Open Moon Sponsor

We are very happy to welcome our new sponsor TresCom Technology!


TresCom provides us with technical facilities and ressource logistics.

Why we appreciate this avenue:

We will have access to the knowledge of a team experienced in communication and traffic engineering.

We think this is an important step towards technical realization of hardware modules.

…and thank´s for your true interest in collaboration!

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6 Responses to “Home”

  1. DaddyChronic Says:
    July 20th, 2010 at %I:%M %p

    Liebe Grüße aus Berlin. Wir von tonarchiv.de verlinken euch schon seit Monaten.

  2. gps2 Says:
    July 21st, 2010 at %I:%M %p

    Grüße zurück ans Tonarchiv!!
    Danke für eure Unterstützung,
    wir brauchen JEDE ;!

  3. Otto Says:
    July 26th, 2010 at %I:%M %p

    Was wollt ihr denn auf dem Mond? Ist doch Schnee vom vergangenem Jahr.


    P. S. Räumt ‘mal die Spam von eurer Website.

  4. gps2 Says:
    July 26th, 2010 at %I:%M %p

    Machen wir mindestens alle 2 Tage…

    apropos Schnee,
    es gibt Wasser auf dem Mond.

  5. AntiSpammer Says:
    January 4th, 2011 at %I:%M %p

    Eventuell mal rechaptcha plugin einbauen gegen den spam?
    Sollte den aufwand enorm verringern.

  6. AmandaScoosya Says:
    July 8th, 2024 at %I:%M %p

    Hey Liebling, willst du abhängen? – https://is.gd/2xVU7z?stogeve

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