Voyager3 – Lift Off 2.0

Andrew Android and portbunny2 on their way!

Open Moon´s Art Spinoff Voyager3,
formerly known as SPACEgarage,
has launched their 2. ExperienceReturnMission.

180 days after first launch, this time Andrew Android by Doris Hansen and portbunny2 by Anna Gatjal are the pilots of the weatherballoons´ space capsules.

Launchpad was located in Berlin, Körnerpark, a beautiful neobaroque park, embedded in the art festival `48h of Neukölln´: one borrough is for two days one art event.

Equipped with GPS and camera the stratonauts are carrying trilingual greetings with them in Polish, British and German.

Stratonauts portbunny and Gary, first crew 180 days ago, had a happy touchdown and returned a lot of messages.

We hope Andrew Android and portbunny are doing as well.

Hier ein paar Eindrücke:

and our first clip to this event taped by mars:

and here is the complete 23min coverage of the liftoff event showing some problems and how they are solved:

Open Moon auf dem LinuxTag 2011

Hey Moonies,

wie immer aber hat mars wieder ein paar gute Fotos von userem Vortrag auf dem LinuxTag geschossen.

Webgallery vom „letzten Vortrag am letzten Tag“ – wie wir angekündigt wurden :)

Thomas über OS im Weltraum

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